Bosnia and Herzegovina

My trip to the Stari Most bridge in Mostar

My trip to Stari Most bridge in Mostar

Mostar lies in the southern part of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Many tourists are drawn to this picturesque city which is home to the Stari Most bridge. It was given the status of UNESCO world heritage site in 2005 and the surrounding area was included.

During the medieval period, numerous attacks were launched by the Ottoman Empire (modern-day Turkey) on the Kingdom of Bosnia. From the mid 15th century until 1908 the country was occupied by the Ottoman Empire. During this period it changed dramatically, especially in the areas of culture and religion; the changes have significantly impacted modern-day Bosnia and Herzegovina. For instance, during the Ottoman occupation, Islam gradually became the major religion. The people converted because Christians were treated as second-class citizens and converting to Islam came with lots of benefits. Today, about 50% of the population are Muslims so you will see many mosques.

My trip to Mostar


The Stari Most bridge is the main tourist attraction in Mostar. During the reign of the Ottoman, the bridge which was originally a wooden suspension bridge was replaced by a stone arched one. Then it was destroyed during the Bosnian war. With the help of the World Bank and UNESCO, it was reconstructed during 2001-2004. 

Stari Most bridge

Stari Most Bridge

There’re lots of souvenir shops and restaurants in the area and because of the amount of tourists around it can feel a bit crowded. 

Shops near Stari Most Bridge

Shops near Stari Most bridge

I wanted to eat some Bosnian cuisine and my choice was perfect, spicy and delicious but I can’t remember the name of the food! Not only was it great but the waiter did a little dance when he bought it to the table and it was served in a nice bowl rather than the mundane white plate.

Food in Mostar

Food in Mostar

After or before (depends on your preference) souvenir shopping, eating, and taking pictures one can indulge in some water fun. While I didn’t, I noted swimmers, boats and a few guys jumping from the bridge which seems to be a sort of rite of passage for the locals.

Neretva river

Neretva river

Not everything is cheerful here though; there are reminders of the past. The country suffered from attacks and occupation from foreign forces to full-blown war from 1992-1995

Although buildings were rebuilt or repaired after the war some still bear the scars and serve to remind younger generations to not forget nor repeat the past. 

damaged building in Mostar

Damaged building in Mostar


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